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公司名称: Hong Kong Kenxinda Technology Co. Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2003 
注册资金: 500万 - 1000万 
员工数量: 大于1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: kinds of mobile phones,TV phones,lowen music phones,wifi phones,ipad,aslo can accept ODM&OEM  
公司简介: Hongkong Kenxinda Technology Co.,LTD, established in July 2003, is one of the professional manufacturers and exporters of high technology products. Our company combines technology developing, products manufacturing and marketing promotion all in one , We set our firm determination to be the professional, international and highly reputed telecom brand.

Hong Kong Kenxinda Technology Co. Ltd / 广东 / 18floors of Fuchun Orient Buliding,No.7006 Shennan AV,Futian Di (518000) / 电话:0755-82709661-8099

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